機構 政府情報データベース
概要: 機構は、異常に関与する数多くの様々な対象に対処せねばなりません。多くの場合、これらは機構とよく似たフリンジ団体です。ただし、一部の対象は国家及び国際機関の下部機関として非異常世界の枠内で運営されています。マルサスの人口管理カルトに対処することは、中国の正規代表者と交渉するのとでは全く形式が異なります。敵対的であれ協力的であれ、後者がもたらしうる力の動態・脅威は根本的に異なります。このような団体は機構政府情報データベース(Authority Global Information Database, AGID)に登録されており、口語的に要注意機関としても知られています。このデータベースには、これらの団体、及び異常存在と関連する政府プログラムに関するエントリが記載されています。
関係 | |
Proxy | 機構の管理下にある団体。 |
Allied | 機構に協力的、または役に立つ団体。 |
Neutral | 機構とほとんど関係のない団体。 |
Ambiguous | 機構から逸脱する、あるいは相反する団体。 |
Hostile | 機構、あるいは人類に危害を及ぼす団体。 |
Unknown | 動機が不明な団体。 |
性格 | |
Authority-Aware | 機構の存在に気づいている団体。 |
Veiled | 機構の存在に気づいていない団体。 |
Unveiled | RPCの存在に気づいている団体。 |
Seeker | 積極的にRPCを収集している団体。 |
Sculptor | RPCを作り出すことのできる団体。 |
Multinational | 多数の国家に及んで存在する団体。 |
National | 一つの国家に存在する団体。 |
People's Committee for the Acquisition of Anomalous Objects (China) - Ambiguous
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- National
概要: A paramilitary giant in the present day, the PCAAO has its roots in a bureaucratic collection office. Created in the wake of the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, the People's Committee was tasked with securing objects, locations, and persons inherited from China's long history with the anomalous. Operational use of these anomalies was the responsibility of the powerful People's Liberation Army (PLA) Special Directorate. However, after China's flawed and disappointing use of the anomalous in the Korean War (provoking the most violent and effective response in the history of the typically impotent United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee), the PLA's Special Directorate was castigated, its leader arrested, and its methods shamed. Shortly thereafter the PCAAO rose to prominence and gradually replaced the PLA as China's premier anomalous agency.
Backed by the enormous strength and growing confidence of the People's Republic of China, the PCAAO is a valuable ally and formidable opponent. The rise of China has coincided with the PCAAO's expanded influence in Asia and Africa, bringing the organization into the global anomalous community. And yet, the PCAAO is just as likely to cooperate with the ASF in Nigeria as it is to violently assault an Authority dig team in Mongolia; often, it perpetrates friendly and hostile acts in the same hour. Fundamentally, the PCAAO of the 21st century is torn between opposite impulses; the international agency that works for the good of mankind, and the government force that protects China and her people from the anomalous at all costs, often at others' expense. Authority personnel are warned to treat the PCAAO with significant caution; it's often difficult to predict whether the PCAAO will act with cooperation or violent self-interest.
RPC-084 3.7
Military Intelligence Section XIII (UK) - Allied
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Sculptor
- Multinational
概要: Military Intelligence Section XIII, or Monarch Security, was formed after the conclusion of a decades-long government investigation; its conclusion was that anomalous occurrences throughout Great Britain might pose a significant threat towards the British government and monarchy. This lead to the establishment of a special department under the Directorate of Military Intelligence, with the designation MI13. Its assigned responsibilities are the security and protection of Great Britain and British Overseas Territories against anomalies of all kind.
MI13 is overseen by a committee based at Westminster, known as the Defense Anomalies and Security Committee. However, the rest of the agency's administrative structure and personnel management are currently unknown, though it is clear that the agency receives significantly greater funding than any other intelligence body in the United Kingdom. Military Intelligence Section XIII is currently a member of the United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee, though the extent of their activities as part of that body is unclear.
United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee - Ambiguous
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Multinational
The United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee (UNAAC) is a global regulatory body for "official" anomalous agencies, usually those operating with the backing of a national government (PCAAO, MI13, etc). Established in 1945 with the signing of the International Anomalous Accords, UNAAC's charter directs it to restrict and police the actions of anomalous agencies; actual enforcement of the Accords is weak and mostly left to the collective pressure of UNAAC member organizations during particularly outrageous rule breaking, such as national governments using the anomalous in wartime.
In practical terms, UNAAC is a negotiating table where the Authority carries the most weight. Relatively impotent by itself, UNAAC is valuable as a forum to redress grievances and smooth over competing interests between anomalous agencies in an established, diplomatic setting; conflict between these agencies amounts to fratricide, only benefiting the extreme groups that lurk below. To that end, as well, UNAAC facilitates the coordination of agencies and governments against dangerous anomalous GOIs.
Project Blue Book - Ambiguous
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Sculptor
- Multinational
概要: Project Blue Book is a large-scale multinational government agency formed by the UN security council to resist against Incursion and assault by non-human entities and research technologies for use in the defense of humanity. Project Blue Book primarily operates in space however many facilities can be found on earth. Not much is known about Blue Book save for the fact that Project Blue Book is divided into the Xeno Defense Bureau (XDB), Scientific Research Bureau (SRB), and the Engineering and Manufacturing Bureau (EMB).
The RPC maintains a tenuous relation with Blue Book depending on the circumstances, they could either be at odds or working together. Blue Book as an entity receives a great deal of support by the United Nations who feel that Blue Book is "A more loyal alternative to dealing through the UNAAC". Most nations support Blue Book in some way or other whether its allocating funds, providing troops, or hosting bases.